Year 5 - 5D
Meet Our Class
We are a lovely class of 26 superstars taught by Mrs Davies and supported by Mrs Liley and Mrs Copeland.
Mrs Davies will keep updating this page with useful information and classroom news, but please also keep an eye on Marvellous Me for more regular learning news!
We have been able to secure CPR training for the year 5 and 6 children which will take place this half-term. It's so important for our children to have these skills, though hopefully they won't need to put them into practise.
This term we are learning:
English: Biographies (Hidden Figures) & Non
Chronological Reports (Space)
Maths: Fractions, Multiplication & Division
Science: Physics (Space)
History: Anglo Saxons & Jutes
Geography: Comparing Regions with the UK
Religious Education:
Art: Abstract Art (Peter Thorpe)
Design & Technology:
Computing: Databases and Spreadsheets
P.E.: Swimming & Real P.E. (balance)
P.E. Days
Our class have P.E. / sports on the following days. Please make sure that children are wearing the correct P.E. uniform of a plain white t-shirt, black / nay shorts or joggers, black / navy hoody and trainers.
Indoor P.E.
Outdoor P.E.
This term we are swimming as part of our sports curriculum.. Children should wear their outdoor P.E. kit to school on a Monday and remember to bring their swimming kit for the afternoon swim session, which takes place at Hucknall Leisure Centre.
Newsletters & Updates
Year 5 Anglo Saxon and Space Trips Spring Term 2025
Photo Gallery