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Year 1 - 1CG

Meet Our Class

Year 1 team


Welcome to the year 1 class page

We are a class of 22 energetic, happy and fun children who love to work with all of our adults to be the very best that we can be!  Mrs Clements and Miss Kennedy are there to help us learn at the start of the week (Mondays, Tuesdays and alternate Wednesdays) and Mrs Gray and Mrs Clarke help us with our learning and time in school at the end of the week (alternate Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays). Miss Stevens works with us each morning and Ms Wetton is with us every afternoon.

We spend a lot of our time learning how to read and write, with our phonics lessons every single morning, 2 English lessons a week and sometimes some of us have extra help with our reading and phonics in the afternoon.  We also work really hard on our maths and all the other subjects, and we love our active learning - you can often see us out and about around school or in the local community on our learning walks (we always need parents and carers to help us out so please speak to one of our adults if you think you can help us out...).


This term we are learning:


Maths: Place value; addition and subtraction with 

                  numbers up to 20

Science: Seasonal changes: winter; the 4 seasons,

                 weather and the length of the day

History: Past and present - how our school has

                changed since our parents and grandparents

                 were at school


Religious Education:


Design & Technology: Healthy diets and how to

                                       prepare fruit and vegetables

Computing: MAZE EXPLORERS - learning how to use

                      directional keys, debug a set of

                      instructions and understand algorithms

P.E.: Developing our core strength and trying to beat

         our own personal best

PSHE / RSHE: Belonging to our community - looking

                         after others and the environment;

                         digital literacy - understanding internet

                         safety and thinking about behaviours



P.E. Days

Our class have P.E. / sports on the following days.  Please make sure that children are wearing the correct P.E. uniform of a plain white t-shirt, black / nay shorts or joggers, black / navy hoody and trainers.

Indoor P.E.


Outdoor P.E.



Newsletters & Updates

Year 1 newsletters

Year 1 newsletters

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