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Religious Education

At Jacksdale Primary and Nursery School we believe that Religious Education plays an important role in promoting the spiritual, moral, social, mental, physical and cultural development of all our children. It teaches respect and open mindedness towards others with different faiths and beliefs and encourages children to develop their sense of identity and belonging through self-awareness and reflection.  We want all our children to engage in an enquiry approach where they can develop an understanding and appreciation for the expression of beliefs, cultural practices and influence principle religions and worldviews in the local, national and wider global community. We want to give all children at our school opportunities, responsibilities, experiences and consider British values by providing a broad and balanced curriculum in accordance with The Agreed Syllabus for RE in Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire (2021/2026).


R.E. from Early Years - Year 6

All pupils in the EYFS (F1 Nursery) will be taught RE as an integral part of Understanding of the world- People and communities. (The new early year’s foundation stage framework 2021/ 2026). As with all areas of the EYFS curriculum, the staff will encourage imaginative play and curiosity in pupils. 

Pupils in EYFS (F2 Reception) will follow the curriculum from The agreed syllabus for Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire (2021/ 2026) 

All pupils from our youngest members of the school in nursery, through to our eldest in year 6 will encounter religions and world-views through multiple methods of teaching, e.g. books, educational visits (where viable), songs, play, imaginative work, language development and storytelling. Children will attend collective worship and hear stories and celebrate festivals from different religious traditions both in assemblies and in the classroom - this will give the children in our school a focused time and place to reflect on their feelings and experiences.


What does the Jacksdale RE curriculum look like?

In today's ever-changing world, we think it is invaluable for our children to have a broad and balanced view, not just of their own and family or community beliefs, but of those around the world which they may not yet have encountered.  It is so important to us that we incorporate British Values and elements of the SEMH aspects of pupil development.  Our curriculum contains, but is not limited to:

  • Exploring controversial issues in the modern world. 
  • Working with local communities who promote the beliefs taught in lessons. 
  • Learning outside the classroom by participating in educational visits 
  • Introducing themed days and assemblies which celebrate different beliefs.  
  • Encouraging pupils to deploy their skills and reflect on questions regarding truth and morality. 
  • Promoting debate and dialogue of pupils within their local community.