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Safeguarding at Jacksdale Primary & Nursery School

At Jacksdale Primary & Nursery School, the safety and well-being of all our pupils is our highest priority and is central to everything we plan, implement and do in our daily working lives  for the children.  We are committed to providing a secure and nurturing environment where children can learn, thrive, and feel valued. Our safeguarding policies and procedures align with the latest statutory guidance from Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) 2024​ and the Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Children Partnership.

Our Commitment to Safeguarding

We believe safeguarding is the responsibility of every staff member, volunteer, and visitor. Our approach is guided by three core principles:

  • Kind – Fostering a caring and supportive school community.
  • Respectful – Ensuring a culture of dignity and mutual respect for all (linked to our behaviour policy, staff code of conduct, governor code of conduct, parent code of conduct and visitors policy).
  • Safe – Creating a secure learning environment where all children feel protected and secure to talk to their known, trusted adults about any worries or concerns they may have.

Key Safeguarding Measures

  • Dedicated Safeguarding Team – Led by our Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), Julie Brockerton, supported by a Deputy DSL,Emma Blacknell, and Leon Barber.
  • Staff Training – All staff receive annual safeguarding and child protection training, including online safety awareness.
  • Early Intervention – Identifying children who may need support as soon as concerns arise.
  • Safer Recruitment – All staff and volunteers undergo thorough background checks to ensure their suitability, following the NCC safer recruitment policies and procedures.
  • Reporting & Responding – Any safeguarding concerns are reported immediately to the DSL, following our Child Protection Policy.  As a school, we report and record all concerns, including those deemed to be 'low level' on CPOMs.  This enables us to hold a clear overview for each child to ensure that any actions needed are recognised quickly.

Our safeguarding policies cover a wide range of areas, including but not limited to:
✔ Child protection from abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
✔ Mental health and emotional well-being.
✔ Anti-bullying, including cyberbullying.
✔ Online safety and appropriate use of digital technology.
✔ Support for children with additional needs and SEND.
✔ Preventing radicalisation and extremism.
✔ Attendance monitoring to identify potential safeguarding concerns.

Working with Families & External Agencies

We work closely with parents, carers, and external safeguarding partners such as the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH), Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO), and the NSPCC to ensure children receive the best possible support​.

How to Report Concerns

If you have a safeguarding concern about a child, please contact:
📞 Jacksdale Primary & Nursery School Safeguarding Team – Speak to the DSL or a Deputy DSL.
📞 Nottinghamshire MASH – 0300 500 80 90

📞 Call Derbyshire - 01629 533190
📞 NSPCC Helpline – 0800 028 0285

If you are concerned that a child is at immediate risk, please phone 999.

For further details, please refer to our full Child Protection Policy and Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024 guidance.

Together, we can ensure that every child at Jacksdale Primary & Nursery School feels safe and supported.


How are we sure we are doing everything to safeguard our children?

As a Nottinghamshire maintained school, we access training, safeguarding focus groups, regular updates including local and national information and have a link governor who has higher level safeguarding training.  Each Autumn term we complete the NSPC & NCC safeguarding audit to ensure that we are up to date in all aspects of safeguarding within Jacksdale Primary & Nursery School. 

A full copy of this can be viewed here: NSCP NCC Safeguarding audit December 2024.

Supporting social, emotional and mental health - links for parents

NottAlone has a wealth of information and guidance / support which is fully accessible for both children and adults:








 has a wealth of information and guidance / support which is designed to support adults within Nottinghamshire adults:
















Be U Notts provides free mental health services for children and young people