Parent Support Groups and Guidance
Parental Conflict
Disagreement between parents can happen whether you are together, separated or divorced, but how we manage arguments is important, allowing tensions to be dealt with and for the relationship to move on. It’s really important for children to see their parents are able to come to agreement in a positive way.
The relationships our children see between the people they love affects their happiness and wellbeing. It is crucial to show your child that the adults they love can manage their arguments and relationship in a healthy way.
Autism & ADHD Parent / Carer Support Group
Parenting support - child from 0-4 years of age
Parenting support - child from 5-10 years of age
Healthy Families Team
Parentline is a confidential text messaging service delivered by the Healthy Family Team for parents and carers of children aged 0-19 across Nottinghamshire.
It offers an easy way to confidentially ask about a range of issues, such as:
- feeding and nutrition
- child development
- parenting advice and support
- emotional health and wellbeing
- behaviour difficulties
- family health
You can also use this service to find out how to access other local services such as the School Health Team, breastfeeding support or health visitor led sessions.
The service is available from Monday to Friday, 9.00am - 4.30pm, excluding bank holidays. Messages sent to the dedicated number are delivered to a secure website and responded to by the Healthy Family Team. Texts are usually replied to within one working day. Automatic replies will be sent to any messages received out of hours explaining where to get help if your question is urgent, and when you can expect a response.
Text Parentline on 07520 619919
Healthy Families Team: Advice Line - 0300 123 5436
Mental Health support for your child
We support children and young people with special education needs or disabilities (SEND) and their parents in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. We provide free, impartial and confidential advice and support for SEND children or young people aged 0 to 25 years.