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At Jacksdale Primary School and Nursery, we aspire to cultivate mathematical understanding through engaging and stimulating activities that cater to the diverse needs of our pupils. We aim to:

  • Instil a love for mathematics.
  • Encourage logical reasoning and problem-solving skills.
  • Develop fluency in mathematical concepts and procedures.
  • Promote the application of mathematics in real-life contexts.
  • Provide a supportive environment enabling all learners to thrive.

JPS Maths Vision Curriculum Overview

At Jacksale, we sequence our Maths curriculum carefully, adapting White Rose Maths resources for the needs of each class. According to the 2014 National Curriculum, the teaching of mathematics should encompass the following key areas:


  1. Number and Place Value
    1. Understanding numbers, ordering, and number representation.
    2. Exploring place value through various manipulatives.

      Children using cards in Maths

  2. Addition and Subtraction
    1. Strategies for mental and written calculations.
    2. Problem-solving involving addition and subtraction in real-life contexts.

Play shop in school

  1. Multiplication and Division
    1. Mastery of times tables by the end of Year 4.
    2. Understanding multiplication as repeated addition and division as sharing.

Times Tables display


  1. Fractions (Including Decimals and Percentages)
    1. Recognising, comparing, and manipulating fractions, decimals, and percentages.
    2. Real-world applications of fractions, such as cooking and sharing.

Fractions of Smarties activity

  1. Measurement
    1. Understanding and using standard and non-standard units of measurement.
    2. Practical experiences measuring length, weight, volume, and time.

Children measuring liquids

  1. Geometry (Properties of Shapes, Position and Direction)
    1. Identifying and describing 2D and 3D shapes.
    2. Exploring symmetry, transformations, and positioning using coordinate systems.

  1. Statistics
    1. Collecting, presenting, and interpreting data using charts and graphs.
    2. Developing skills in making predictions and drawing conclusions from data sets.

Bar chart

Early Years Foundation Stage


In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), mathematics coverage aligns with the Early Learning Goals, focusing on developing children’s understanding of numbers, patterns, shapes, and measures. Teachers will provide opportunities for children to:


  • Engage in counting, comparing, and sequencing.
  • Explore shapes and their properties through practical activities.
  • Solve simple problems using mathematical language.

Assembly with number songs

Each area will be taught through a combination of direct instruction, collaborative learning, and exploration to ensure that pupils grasp fundamental concepts and develop critical thinking skills. We will incorporate the White Rose Maths scheme, which provides a comprehensive and structured approach to teaching mathematics, ensuring consistency and progression across year groups.

Year 1 Maths