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Nursery admission arrangements:

Nursery applications are made directly with the school. 

Please contact our early years team by making contact with Mrs Kirk or Mrs Blacknell at the school office: 01773 783930. 

One of the Early Years team will arrange to contact you to offer you a visit at the nursery and discuss start dates, a home visit and start to get to know you and your child.

School admission arrangements (Reception - Year 6)

As a maintained school, Nottinghamshire County Council are wholly responsible for the allocation of places for Jacksdale Primary & Nursery School.  Please see the links at the bottom of this page if you wish to apply for a school place.  The quickest and easiest way to apply is online, though if you prefer to speak to the admissions team at Nottinghamshire COunty COuncil, please contact them on 03005008080

Please contact Mrs Blacknell or Mrs Kirk in the school office if you would like to have a tour of the school prior to making any decision about applying for a school place - we love to show off our wonderful school!


Nottinghamshire County Council, as the admission authority for all community and voluntary controlled schools in Nottinghamshire, is responsible for setting and applying the admission arrangements for those schools. For foundation and voluntary aided schools  the admission authority is the governing body of the school. All admission authorities must comply with the requirements of the School Admissions Code 2021 and admissions legislation. Admission arrangements means the overall procedure, practice, criteria, and supplementary information used in deciding on the allocation of school places. 

Applying for a school place in the normal admissions round

Children do not automatically transfer to reception from early years provision or nursery and parents must apply for a school place. Similarly, children attending an infant school do not automatically transfer to the junior/primary phase of education and children attending a primary school do not automatically transfer to the secondary phase of education. In all cases parents must make an application.

Applications can be made from the following dates: 

Parents of children who live in Nottinghamshire can state up to four preferences for any maintained school or academy school, either in Nottinghamshire (home authority) or any other school in another local authority area. Where other local authority areas enable parents living in that area to submit more than four preferences, Nottinghamshire County Council will not accept more than four preferences for Nottinghamshire schools.


Children with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)

Some children have an EHCP which is a plan made by the local authority specifying the specialist education provision that is required for that child. Nottinghamshire County Council’s EHC Assessment Team is responsible for identifying schools and placing children with an EHCP. All children whose EHCP names the school must be admitted. If a child is awarded an EHCP after the application has been processed, the allocated school will be reviewed by the EHC Assessment Team and in some cases, the school offered may be named on the EHCP.


Admissions criteria for our school (reception entry):

Admissions criteria for our school (year 3 entry):


Changing school in-year

An in-year application is for children requiring a school place during the school year, rather than at the usual transfer time. Applications to transfer school during the academic year can be made online.

Applying for a school place

If your child lives in Nottinghamshire, and you require a school place for September 2025 for the normal point of entry, you must apply for a school place through Nottinghamshire County Council, even if the schools you want are outside Nottinghamshire.  

Apply for a School Place (in year) Applying for a school place | Nottinghamshire County Council (September start)


The following links will direct you to the Nottinghamshire County Council admissions documents (key details are listed above).


Nottinghamshire County Council Admissions: Jacksdale Primary & Nursery School

Admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools: 2025-2026